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My Story

Have you ever thought to yourself, "I don't know what I want to be when I grow up?" Yes, that was me for years! At about 22 years into my military career, I realized I needed to decide what I wanted to be when I grew up. I shared this realization with a few friends and found I wasn't the only one in this dilemma. The difference between me and others was, I completed my education, gained several certifications, and took advantage of every learning opportunity I was given. Where we were the same was, none of us had a solid plan.

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One day I got still and asked myself what my passions were, what my strengths were, and what I was doing when I came alive. It all boiled down to one thing; people. When I was leading, mentoring, counseling, teaching, instructing, facilitating, or organizing events, I was in heaven. Everything just felt right. I especially came alive when I was successful in turning around organizations that were deemed hopeless. That's when I knew felt the most fulfilled. 

People are my passion! Helping them find their "Ah-ha!" moment motivated me to keep doing more. Teaching life-changing concepts and seeing the lightbulb go off, lit a fire in my soul. I knew that all the unpleasant situations I'd gone hrough, the trauma I experienced, the losses I've suffered, the divorces (3), the sabotage, back-stabbing, being set up for failure, and even my self-limiting beliefs were all for a bigger plan. My creator knew I needed to go through some things to build resilience and learn the lessons needed to help others.

When leaders experience setbacks, I understand that on a personal level. When teams fall apart and the mission fails, I can say I know what that feels like. When you lose someone close to you from suicide, homicide, or neglect, I can say I've experienced that too. When people bounce back from seemingly unrecoverable circumstances, I can say that is me! I have made it through 100% of my bad days, and I am here to give people hope, along with the tools they need to make it as well. I don't want people to just survive an event, but to find the lesson and thrive in life!

I had completed my degree in Psychology, but my learning didn't stop there. I saw how my degree and certifications as a Master Resilience Trainer, Four Lenses Personality Inventory Facilitator, DISC Consultant, and Diversity, Equity, & Inclusion trainer all fit together. They all helped me serve people. I always say, my gift is seeing what isn't shown, and hearing what isn't said. Some people call that discernment. Whatever your choice of words, I have an innate ability to get to the heart of people and help them find the will to change, because people are my passion!

When I became clear about my passion and purpose, I set off on a personal growth journey and became a certified John Maxwell Speaker, Trainer, and Coach. Leadership was life for me, and this only made me a better leader. John Maxwell says, "Everything rises and falls on leadership," so I used my certification everywhere I went. I even used it while deployed and grew the Total Force Leadership Development Course from 48 people per month to over 600 per month!

Also on that deployment a couple of years ago, I stepped out and believed in myself again. I trusted my gut and my ability as a writer, and I published my first book while on Active Duty. Once year later, I published a second book. Simultaneously, I was the editor on another book, which led to a few additional editing jobs, and then two more books in the works. I received such great reviews; people asked me to do a workshop to help others become authors, so I did. I developed, "From Head to Hand; How to Write and Self-Publish Your Book", workshop in response from requests from so many others.

Somehow in between a very active military career, single parenting, writing books, and teaching and facilitating several courses. In 2020, I was a guest speaker on a resilience platform, and a podcaster reached out and asked if I would be a guest speaker. That was all she wrote! I became a permanent co-host, and the podcast has gained a loyal and growing audience. It didn't stop there! Out of that podcast came another one! I am now a co-host of Lioness Lair, a podcast about all the things we face as women. The thing I love about this podcast is that hundreds of men tune in every week as well!

I said all of this to say, my life is nothing like I thought it would be, but is it everything I hoped it would be. When I took charge of my life and began connecting with, learning from, and surrounding myself with people who had the tools I needed to succeed, my life changed. The choices I made, and the Coaches and Mentors that influenced me, are directly responsible for helping me to discover my gifts, talents, and abilities, but they didn't just help me discover them, they are fostering them.  Yes, Coaches have Coaches too!

I am here as someone who has been through some things, and I want to help you get through some things.  Once I made up my mind, and changed my thinking, things began happening for me. Not just any things, but the things I welcomed into my life! Over the last 2 years, I have participated in several marathons, written and published two books, graced Global Stages, been the Guest speaker for 2 International Book Clubs, taught an International Innovative Leadership Masterclass, been a guest on the Empowered Living Community, Empowered Women Show, and I had the pleasure of being the guest speaker for India's 47th Annual Hypnotic Convention! 

The only limits I have, are the ones I impose upon myself.  If you experience abundance from abundance, only abundance remains.  My thoughts created these things, just as your thoughts can create the things you want in your life!

The Sign up today for your free consultation, and let's see if we are a right fit for your personal growth journey! 


My Mission

My mission is to build trust, respect, and rapport to help my clients get unstuck. I do this by asking clarifying questions to help them think through their situation.  It is my responsibility to listen and help my clients really dig deep to find what is keeping them in the place they don't want to be in. Then we can properly assess their needs, and then discover their stuck points to help them develop a plan to achieve their goals. 


I want to help my clients unlock their highest potential and tap into their creative and intellectual faculties to help them create the life they want to live.  Coaching is not about me planning your life for you, but rather helping you achieve the goals you have for yourself. This is not the place where you come to get the answers to the test and take the easy way out. This is where you come to dig deep and learn to work out the problems for a long lasting and sustainable journey. It takes hard work, and the work is often emotion, uncomfortable, and at times painful. I will be here to encourage you, guide you, and keep you on track to accomplish the goals you set out to achieve.  â€‹


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